Day 5 of 16 Days of Activism – Case Study: Impacts of Domestic Violence on Children

Day 5 of 16 Days of Activism – Case Study: Impacts of Domestic Violence on Children
November 29, 2021

Case Study: Impacts of Domestic Violence on Children


Susan* is a single Aboriginal mother of four children. In 2020, Susan’s youngest son Peter* started Kindergarten and had a challenging start to school life. He struggled with behaviours and regulating his emotions. Peter was showing aggressive and unsafe behaviours at school – he could not focus and left the classroom when he felt like it and treated teachers aggressively. One-on-one support was given to Peter in the class room and playground.
Peter’s role models are his father and his brother, who often act out and physically hurt him. The little boy’s father used violence in his relationship with Susan, and was still using violence towards Peter on his last visit.


Peter has been exposed to, and experienced substantial domestic violence in the home and has been exhibiting unsafe and trauma impacted behaviours both at home and at school. He experiences anxiety, aggression, antisocial behaviours, limited social competence, low self-esteem, loneliness, limited capacity to regulate his emotions and is constantly hypervigilant.


After the recent incidents, a child protection report met the threshold for a risk of significant harm and the disclosures from Peter were substantiated. Supports started filtering in for the family including play therapy, intensive family support, legal support and psychological and cognitive testing. Which lead to Peter being diagnosed with multiple complex disorders that he is now receiving support for.


Peter has shown positive growth since the recent change of his medication and intensive therapeutic intervention with regard to behaviour, emotional regulation, and ability to learn and interact with his peers in the school setting. However, his therapist stated that he needs substantial ongoing trauma support to continue to sustain and further develop growth and social/emotional wellbeing.

Where to get Family & Children supports

For North Coast family supports, please visit Family Connect and Supports with Social Futures by accessing here or calling 1800 327 679.

*Names have been changed for privacy.

A massive thanks to the Social Future team for their article contribution.